Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Just Getting Started...

I have been inspired by all of you bloggers out there, so I am starting one of my own.  More for my son's benefit than anyone's, as maybe he will someday look back on these and be able to read through his mother's thoughts as he grew from infant to toddler to boy to teen to man.  WHO KNOWS if I will make it that long.  I don't know how anyone has time to blog, to be quite honest, but I am slow at work today and have been wondering about it for awhile, so I am diving in...

Here's what is on my mind today.  At just over ten months old, Marcus is quite the active baby.  He always has been, to be honest.  He crawls all about the house, pulls up on all the furniture, furniture walks from the couch to the coffee table, back to the couch (and repeat), stands in his crib when I go and get him in the morning, and constantly crawls to my legs, pulls himself up, and thrusts his arms in the arm as if to say, "Please pick me up, mommy..." only to want down when I pick him up.  It is all too cute!  He babbles away in the mornings before I got into his room; dead silence on the monitor to a full blown "BLA BLA BLA" in a matter of seconds.  He babbles, babbles, babbles throughout the day.  He has the "Mom Mom Mom" sound down, thought it is not specifically in reference to me, the "Da da da da" sounds down, though, once again, not specifically in reference to Dada and the "Na" and "Ba" sounds down as well.

So, my specific post today is about sleep.  We have had our very fortunate periods, so I have no complaints, but the last two days have been rough, and I find myself asking, "Is it his teeth?  Is he scared of the dark?  Is he scared to be alone?  Did he have a string of overly active days?  Is he overly tired?  Does he have an ear infection?"  By all measures, it has not been "bad" the last two days, but just different than normal, and the crying tugs at the heartstrings.  On Monday night, it took an hour and a half and three tries to get him to sleep, only ending in about ten minutes of solid crying.  This is atypical as he usually babbles himself to sleep, goes immediately to sleep, or babbles/fusses/babbles himself to sleep.  No crying.  But Monday night, there were long bouts of crying.  Last night was ok; he fell sleep after only a few minutes of crying, but, still, there was the crying; different than normal.  And today, the nanny tells me that he woke 15 minutes after his first nap, also CRYING, crying.  Sweet baby boy, is there something wrong?  Are you just adjusting?  I guess I will just have to wonder for now, though a trip to the doc may be in order over the next few days...